Príručka pre národných koordinátorov siete asociovaných škôl UNESCO (ASPnet)

ADG letter on Guide for NCs

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

l am very pleased to send you herewith the new Guide for National Coordinators of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet).

Developed in close consultation with many ofyou, the Guide responds to the need for a clear set of rules and regulations, identified through the 2016 Evaluation ofASPnet.

The Guide recalls ASPnet’s overall mission and objectives, updated in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, and clarifies its governance structure. It spells out the responsibilities of UNESCO, National Commissions and National Coordinators as well as procedures and requirements for membership and reporting modalities. The Guide provides specific direction for the ASPnet National Coordinators so that they can effectively support member schools in their respective countries.

The Guide is published in all six official UN languages and available on the Online Tool for ASPnet (OTA):

I would like to invite you to carefully examine the Guide with a view to adjusting national procedures ruling ASPnet accordingly. We have foreseen a transition period of six months in this regard and trust that ail National Commissions and National Coordinators can effectively apply the new framework as of lst of March, 2019. During the coming weeks and months, UNESCO will focus its efforts on providing support and clarifications to you, on further improving the Online Tool for ASPnet and on setting up the new ASPnet reporting mechanism.

A short Guide forSchools, based on the relevant contents ofthis one, will be prepared. In the meantime, you may wish to consider the possibility to translate or adapt the Guide to your national context and publish it in accordance with UNESCO’sOpen Access Policy.
Any inquiries concerning official translations, as well as requests for additional print copies, should be addressed directly to the Unit for ASPnet (aspnet@unesco. org).

I hope that you will find the Guide useful and wish to thank you for your continued support to the work and members of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network in your country.

Yours sincerely,
Stefania Gianinni



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